Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Moved out!

So we have successfully moved out of our apartment and all of our stuff (oh man, there was a lot of it! How did we accumulate so much stuff in only two years?!?!) is now in our new house. The new house is a mess, but at least it is OUR house :) Hopefully I will have it cleaned up enough by next week to have people over!

PS~ Big shout-out to the Morgans (Becky, I don't think I would have ever finished packing that freaking kitchen without you!) and Mike Boone for moving all our stuff!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

OK OK, So we have been a bit MIA...

Apparently people are actually checking my blog, as indicated by the harassment to update it (cough, KBD), so I had better get to it!

WELL, what have Brent & Joelle been up to the last two months you ask??? TRAVEL. Sadly nowhere as exciting as London or Rome, but instead we headed home. We were in the Seattle area for about 5 weeks, bouncing like pin balls between Brent's parent's home, my parent's home, both sets of my grandparent's houses, friends houses in Seattle, dinners, sleepovers with the neices, coffee dates, birthday parties, celebrating our one year, weddings, and a family reunion. Brent also went on a week long baseball trip with his dad to Southern Cali.

All and all, the trip was wonderful and exhausting :) We had really missed our friends and family back home and we were ecstatic to spend some quality time with people we haven't really seen since the wedding (Christmas doesn't really count because we were snowed in for a week...). The down side was that we were trying to cram a whole year's worth of hanging out into five weeks and this lead to a tendancy to over-cram our days. We are very glad we did it because we will probably never have the oportunity to go home for that long again until we move back. That said, my bed and my pillow welcomed me back with open arms :)

So we are back in Durham, frantically painting our bedroom before we move in this weekend (or next weekend, who knows?!?!). All I have to say is that the theory of painting is much better than the reality of painting. So when you come to my house PLEASE notice the paint job ;) It will make these aching fingers happy.
